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Top Load vs. Front Load


Top Load vs. Front Load

Which one is truly better? Is there really a difference? Or is it all down to personal opinion? These are things that you should probably ask before you make the decision to buy yourself a new washer. After all, you want it to last you for as long as possible. So before rushing out, I’m gonna lay the pros and cons out for you so that when you go to Happys Appliances Outlet or Lowes, you’ll be getting the best washer possible!

Top Load Washers

Pretty much any brand carries top load washers as well as front load ones. They also come in a range of colors too! So what’s the real difference between these and front loaders? For one, top load washers tend to be less expensive than front load ones. They also are more convenient for those with joint or back issues since you don’t have to bend to put clothes in or take them out. Top loaders also collect lint and distribute detergent better than front loaders. They also tend to be less smelly! On the other hand, they’re usually less energy efficient and cost more money over time because of water use. They also don’t clean clothes as well as front load washers.


  • Less expensive initially
  • Easier on people who have joint/back issues
  • Collects lint better
  • Distributes detergent better
  • Less smelly


  • Not as energy efficient
  • Cost more money over the washer’s lifetime
  • Don’t clean clothes as well
  • Rougher on clothes

Front Load Washers

Front load washers certainly look elegant and fancy; they usually have digital displays or buttons on the front with different settings. So they do tend to be more attractive looking than top load washers. They’re also more energy efficient and use less water than their counterparts. Front loaders are also gentler on your clothes and clean far better than top loaders. They’re also less expensive over their lifespan! However, they do tend to be harder on people’s back and joints unless you have a pedestal that elevates it around 15” or so. Front loaders also tend to be more expensive initially and smell worse than top loaders because of the gasket around the door.


  • More features
  • Less expensive over time
  • More attractive
  • Better energy and water efficiency
  • Cleans clothes better
  • Gentler on clothes


  • Smellier than top loaders
  • More expensive initially
  • Harder on joints/backs
  • Requires more maintenance


Everything can boil down to opinion, no matter what facts or evidence says, so you are more than free to choose for yourself based on what I showed you all! But personally, just from looking at the pros and cons, I would go for a front load washer!


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