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How to Clean Your Dishwasher


How to Clean Your Dishwasher

Believe it or not, the appliance in your kitchen that cleans all of your eating and cooking utensils needs to be routinely cleaned itself. Grease and debris from food builds up over time inside your dishwasher, which allows for the spreading of germs and decreases its efficiency. In order to help you avoid contracting food borne illnesses, the friendly and knowledgeable staff at Happy’s Appliances Outlet have provided some tips to keep your dishwasher squeaky clean and functional.Follow these simple instructions once per month and your dishwasher will work like a charm for years to come.

Remove the Racks

The first step is to pull out the racks from inside in the dishwasher. Wipe down the interior with a soapy washcloth. After you’ve done that, scrub the racks’wheels with something tough such as steel wool or a toothbrush. Bacteria loves to hide in the creases of these wheels, so it’s important to remember to clean them.

Clean Out the Drain

Before you re-insert the bottom dish rack, check the dishwasher drain at the bottom of the appliance. Remove any food, gunk, etc. that may be caught inside of it.This step will increase your dishwasher’s drainage, improving its cleaning efficiency and preventing damage to its internal components.

Fill Detergent Compartment with White Vinegar

The next step is to fill your dishwasher’s detergent cup with white vinegar and run an empty cycle with hot water. This will wipe out any lime deposits that may be inside of the appliance, as well as remove grime and odors that may have built up over time. Don’t have any white vinegar handy? Try using powdered lemonade instead, as its citric acid helps remove stains.


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